Nursing Professional Development Opportunities 

Clinical ladders 

Registered nurses, at participating Northwell Health sites, demonstrate growth in clinical practice and leadership progressing from RN-I, RN-II, RN-III. The focus areas of growth include:

  • Education
  • Research
  • Quality
  • Service Excellence
  • Leadership

This program has grown from 46 participating RNs to over 620 RNs as of 2015, showing the exponential growth that has been seen in the number of clinical ladder nurses for more than 10 years. We have focused on the growth areas we listed above to help our nurses expand their reach of care and accomplish their goals. 

Some examples of these successes include: 

  • Renee Gilchrist, RN (2014) – Partnered with her hospital’s skin care team to decrease patient’s skin breakdown, which led her into initiating a research study on pressure ulcers.
  • Germain Gelo, RN  (2015) – Reviewed the literature on unplanned extubations to support the development of a systematic approach for the management of unplanned extubations and an airway safety bundle.
  • Melanie S. Weiss, RN – Published Pickle-Over-PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections). In the forward of the book, Dr. Rosario Trifiletti describes the book as a “little book that explains, in simple terms that children can understand” as well as empowers parents, about PANDAS. 

Additional resources to excel in your career

  • Passport to Preceptorship elearning module and courses are available to Northwell Nursing Professionals
  • Nursing Leadership Basic courses offers a foundation for excellence within the organization with 79 participants in 2015, and 61 to date for 2016
  • SOURCE learning lab for clinical staff to enhance clinical skills and create an individualized learning environment
  • Specialty Orientation Classes – Cardiac Devices, Core Concepts of Mechanical Ventilation, and Basic and Advanced Neurologic Concepts with over 650 nurses attending last year and with continuation for 2016
  • Onsite nursing classes, learning management system with online courses, and support to attend professional conferences
  • Over 35,000 contact hours awarded in 2015, and 95 new programs offered through the Institute for Nursing in 2015. Many elearning modules offer contact hours. The efforts are continuing for 2016.
  • Team STEPPS education to support communication and team work in clinical practices and across the healthcare continuum  

Northwell Purple Constellation Check out our nursing career opportunities. 

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