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Do you know these 5 interviewing tips?

Do you know these 5 interviewing tips?

We all know how stressful an interview can be. From picking out the perfect outfit, to constantly rehearsing the perfect answers, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s why we spoke to Artie Feinstein, Talent Acquisition Recruiter, about his best interviewing tips to help you prepare before your next pre-interview freak out.

  1. Smile – This may seem as a very simple thing, and even second nature, but when you are nervous you might not realize the look you have on your face. Try to always have a smile on and be friendly to others in the office. Many recruiters or hiring managers ask around to see if you were nice to other employees, and if you’d be a good fit for the organization.  Don’t forget to smile and greet the receptionist as well.
  2. Know the company – Preparation is everything. Whether it’s reading about the company on their website, or going through recent news articles, learn as much as you can. Having the basic knowledge on the organization is good, but if you can go into detail on any of their recent headlines you will really be able to impress the recruiter and hiring manager, and it will help you stand out from the other potential candidates.
  3. Practice – This simple task can take you from stumbling, stuttering and giving a blank stare, to relaxed and prepared. Sometimes our nerves get the best of us, and it’s important to know that hiring managers and recruiters understand. Sometimes all you need to do is take a deep breath and re-organize your thoughts. By practicing different interview questions you will have responses ready – and remember, if you happen to miss something don’t sweat it! No one knows what you had planned anyway, so continue to talk as if you said everything you wanted.
  4. Be confident – Besides standing up straight, having a firm handshake, and keeping eye contact, be confident in your accomplishments too. Take pride in projects you managed in your last job, or activities completed in school. If you can relate them back to the job you are applying for say them loud and proud, and explain why they will help you succeed if you get the position.
  5. Ask questions – Make sure you come prepared with questions on the position, but write down any questions throughout the interview as well. Sometimes people think it’s not appropriate to ask questions, but this is a common misconception. The interviewer wants to know that you have been listening and are truly interested in the position and company. In addition, don’t be the person who only asks a question about salary and time off – you will learn about that all in good time. 

Artie’s two best pieces of advice:

“The most important thing you can do is relax – when you’re relaxed you can think clearly and answer the questions more effectively. The interviewing process is give and take, meaning you have to show me how you will be able to positively affect the company, while I need to show you why you want to work here.”

“If you think you don’t need to prepare, you’re wrong. There is nothing you shouldn’t do to learn about the company, the industry, their competitors, the interviewer, etc. All is important to know.”

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Northwell Health’s Healthcare Management Program

Northwell Health’s Healthcare Management Program Internship. The future of health care is in your hands.

This summer, our newly expanded, elite 8-week Healthcare Management Program (HMP) Internship,  offered undergraduate students a unique opportunity to influence the future of health care. With over 500 applications nationwide, thirteen top students were chosen to participate at one of our ten participating facilities. 

From day one, they were welcomed as a respected member of our team and immersed in real, meaningful project work with executive leaders and mentors- all working together toward the goal of transforming care.  This program engaged and developed our future health care leaders by helping them realize their full potential, and giving them a hand on experience into health care administration and operations at various hospitals and facilities.

During the program, interns were given numerous opportunities to advance their skills and the Northwell Health mission through:

  • Strategic, important project work. Opportunities like, new facility process mapping, annual report creation, hospital performance dashboards, venture capital planning, fundraising initiatives, product line financial reporting, redesigning of hospital units and so much more. 
  • Weekly educational sessions. Lead by our executives, our weekly Lunch & Learns from the best showcased topics such as Finance, Operations, Budgeting, Role of a Healthcare Administrator, Project Management, and Career Mobility.
  • Networking opportunities. From chatting with past HMP interns and mentors at our Alumni Dinner to on-site visits & Lunch & Learns, the HMP interns were immersed in networking opportunities with various leaders and team members.
  • Hospital and facility tours. To help students understand how their impact behind the scenes makes a difference to our overall operations they were given all access tours to our facilities.
  • And yes….we even had time for fun events arranged specifically for the HMP intern group such as our Escape the Room team-building adventure!

As a stepping stone into our Management Associate Program (MAP) after graduation, the HMP internship teaches you that from bedside to the business offices, there is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that we each play an integral part of the care of our patients and the customer experience.  

Don’t just take our word for it; hear from our 2016 HMP Interns….

Ben Bruer

“I came into this internship thinking that I would only do operations work, however I had the opportunity to work on various projects and people within the hospital. The biggest thing I learned is that there is so much coordination between departments and a huge focus on teamwork.”

Ben BruerCohen Children’s Medical Center
Samantha Meisels

“I can confidently say I have been very privileged and lucky to have had such an incredible opportunity. Since day one, I was immediately welcomed with nothing but smiles and guidance. Every single employee made it his/her business to ensure I was helped in any way I needed.”

Samantha MeiselsNorthwell Health Foundation
Dennis Zhang

“I learned the complexity of health care, the costs associated, and the importance of human connection. Healthcare is often overlooked, but few other industries allow people to conclude a work day with an immense feeling of satisfaction and I am fairly convinced it is an industry that I would very much like to participate in.”

Dennis ZhangLong Island Jewish Forest Hills
Matthew Donnelly

“Northwell Health provided me with independence on many projects, allowing me to take the lead, while always having mentors and resources available for guidance.”

Matthew DonnellyNorth Shore University Hospital

lbluetipWe are now accepting applications for the 2017 HMP program. Visit our Students page for up-to-date information.

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The 10 Resume Tips You’ve Been Searching For

We’ve all been there – a blank screen with a blinking cursor taunting us with the words we can’t think of and the inevitable question playing in our heads, “How can I possibly summarize who I am and what I have done on one page?” That question is the one thing that is holding you back from your dream job. Well, take a deep breath and clear your head! Here are 10 of our best resume tips:

  1. Keep it to a page – You want your message to be clear and concise. Your resume should not have every work experience you’ve ever had listed on it. Show the most important information to keep the recruiter interested. 
  2. Keeping it general – Include your relevant work or volunteer history that relates to the position. This could lead you to have 4 or 5 different resumes, but it will help the recruiter identify your skills and experience for the position. Remember, a recruiter only spends 10 seconds per resume – you want to be the one that stands out!
  3. Including a photo – As some may find this unique, our recruiters find it distracting. No matter what type of photo it is, professional or not, it shouldn’t be in your resume. You want the recruiters to pay attention to the experiences that make you qualified for the position, so the less distractions, the better.
  4. Alignment and grammar – Yes, recruiters look to see if your titles and dates line up properly, but most importantly that your spelling and grammar are correct. Don’t be afraid to edit your resume and always remember to double check it.
  5. Informal writing – There is absolutely no reason to abrev anything on your resume (see what we did there?) First and foremost, it’s unprofessional, and the translation or meaning of the word could be lost, causing the recruiter to become confused and lose interest quickly. 
  6. Attachments – The story is way too common: you have an email open to send a cool new workout to your friend, and another email with your resume to send to a recruiter, and you just so happen to mix up the attachments. Always make sure your email is professional and contains the correct attachments before pressing send.
  7. An outside audience – “Hey mom do you mind taking a look at this for me?” No matter who it is, your mom, a friend, or your mentor, find someone who will take the time to go through your resume with a fine tooth comb.
  8. Honesty is the best policy – We all want to look like a superstar, but there’s no reason to stretch the truth to get a job. Take pride in what you have already accomplished and focus on those areas and how they make you qualified for the position.
  9. Take it down a notch – Once again, you want to make your message clear and keep it at an easy reading level. You never know who might receive your resume first, a recruiter, assistant or executive director – you want it to be readable, relevant and understandable for all of them. Contrary to popular belief, industry jargon is the last thing recruiters want to see.
  10. Forgetting to add a resume objective – This is an opportunity for you to be specific on what you are looking for, and it won’t be overlooked by the recruiters. Even if the position you apply for doesn’t work out, they have your resume on file and can use this tip to pair you with another job opportunity.

Remember, you will have time during the interview to show who you are and explain the work you have done, but for now keep it short and interesting.  We know it’s difficult to put yourself on paper, but these tips and tricks will help tailor it to be ready for the next time you shake someone’s hand and pass your resume across the table to them.

hdr-flag Think your resume is up to the test? Explore our endless career possibilities.