Thirty years ago on October 18, 1984 Anthony Silvera began his journey in the United States Air Force at training camp. Little did he know during his 30 year career he would be able to serve as a logistician, program manager, flight commander, and an instructor and become a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Commissioned Officer who was deployed to Iraq for two yearlong deployments in 2008-2009 and 2010-2011. With the experience, hardworking attitude and determination to succeed in civilian life, Anthony retired from active duty on December 2014 as a Major. Although his transition wasn’t as easy as expected he is now the Veterans Program Specialist here at Northwell Health ready to help each Veteran who is battling the same struggles he did.

As the end of December 2014 brought a chapter of Anthony’s life to a close he was still excited to begin his journey and adapt to civilian life. With a polished resume and a suite freshly pressed he was ready to take on his first interview. Until he realized he didn’t have one. The lack of emails and phone calls left him unmotivated and confused: surely a man with 30 years’ experience and a college degree deserved a chance to prove himself in an interview. Months of frustration and interviews ending in “You’re terrific, you’re just not qualified for this position”. Anthony had about enough until one day a man from Eastern Seals got in touch with him. “I learned I was making all the classic mistakes. Applying for too many positions and not identifying the correct things on my resume, all simple things that I wouldn’t have known unless I was taught – I will never forget the guy who helped me get to where I am today” Silvera said.

A little while later he received an email from an employee in Talent Acquisition at Northwell Health (then North Shore-LIJ Health System) about an open position. Thrilled about the opportunity he decided to call her right then and there, “I was too excited to wait and I figured I would get her voicemail since it was 8:00 PM, but to my surprise she picked up! We chatted about the Barracks to Business Workshop and Game of Thrones and she said she would contact me about the open position. I still thank her to this day for finding me.”  A little over a year later his passion for helping Veterans has grown even more, “I was one of them. I understand the struggles they are going through and I’m determined to help them find a career here at Northwell Health.”   

It’s important every current service member, transitioning service member, or veteran know that Anthony is here for you: your needs will be met, your questions will be answered and you will never be alone in this process. He is dedicated to developing, collaborating and managing all relationships and to assist in the transition of Military Veterans into a career here. Transition to a new mission with us. Attend one of our Barracks to Business: Translating Military Skills into Career Success, search our job (link) or contact Anthony at [insert contact info] and take your first steps at your new beginning here…..  

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